Posts Tagged ‘windows 7’


Quick Take: Nutty Intel VT Story

May 6, 2009

ZDnet has an interesting story that’s getting some traction about Windows 7’s XP mode and how you may not be able to run it on your Intel platform. Since the technology relies on Intel-VT or AMD-v to work, if your chip doesn’t have it, you’re cooked. Unlike AMD’s all-or-nothing approach that creates uniformity across server and workstation platforms – delivering all features to all but the “Semperon” versions of the AMD64, Intel likes to market “reduced feature” versions to keep price points meaningful.

Intel’s approach also makes it a nightmare for consumer end-users to determine what they get from their money, as described very well in ZDnet’s blog:

Here’s a real-world example. Dell’s Vostro 420 is a well-built, no-frills desktop PC designed for the small and medium business market. The screen [graph] below shows the current lineup of CPUs that you can choose from when you build this system to order at Dell’s website. Four of the six options support Intel VT; I’ve circled the two CPUs that don’t support VT.

(see ZDnet’s blog entry for graphic and story) Read the rest of this entry ?